The ReConnecT journey

The ReConnecT journey

Sterp 1

At the first station, a person comes in contact with his deepest existential fears. He struggles to figure out if it is his fault or the fault of others and he still doesn't know that it is no one's fault... He learns to say NO, to protect and take care of himself. He slowly recognizes his identity and answers questions such as: "who am I?", "why do I have the people I have around me?", "why do I experience relationships the way I do?", "why I do the job I do?" and many more..

Βήμα 2ο - Συνδέομαι/Connect

At the second stage, the person experiences his desires with clarity, connecting in a new more authentic and emotional way with himself and his loved ones. He receives care and support from the people around him. Something he had never felt before!

Step 3 Triumph

At the third station, human trusts life completely and accepts its rhythms, its complexity, its simplicity. He feels more secure than ever, even though he realizes that life is unpredictable. He stands courageously in the face of the ultimate truths of life, such as death, and is ready to live truly! He learns to enjoy! He learns to say YES!
I welcome you to my website, I will be happy to collaborate and join you on a journey of personal growth, to overcome obstacles together and to "open" the gifts that life has offered you, even if our only contact is through this page. What gives my life meaning is helping people to heal, connect with themselves, others and all the world, so that they can live in a state of well-being and enjoyment.


Individual Psychotherapy

Through individual psychotherapy each person can find immediate solutions to one or more issues that concern him or her.

Group Psychotherapy

Group psychotherapy is the next step of individual therapy psychotherapy.

Couples Therapy

Through couples therapy partners understand themselves and their partner, a secure environment is created for effective communication

Personal ή Executive ReConnecT

A personalized service that integrates therapy with the personal development in a harmonious and efficient manner.

Experiential seminars

Experiential seminars (workshops) thematics and practices exercises of which have arisen from deep scientific and experiential knowledge.


Θεραπεύω- Recover

Το “θαύμα” της αποδοχής!

Στον πολύπλοκο και πολύπλευρο κόσμο της ψυχοθεραπείας και της προσωπικής ανάπτυξης, ένα από τα μονοπάτια για την επίτευξη ενός ισορροπημένου και ευτυχισμένου βίου είναι η

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Θεραπεύω- Recover

Κρατάς το τιμόνι της ζωής σου; Αυτορρύθμιση (αυτοέλεγχος), γιατί και πώς να την αποκτήσεις.

Η αυτορρύθμιση αποτελεί αναπόσπαστο κομμάτι τόσο της ψυχοθεραπείας όσο και της προσωπικής ανάπτυξης γενικότερα. Καθώς ταξιδεύουμε προς την ανακάλυψη του εαυτού μας και την αντιμετώπιση

Περισσοτερα »




The purpose of the first session is: - Getting to know each other - To explore the reasons that brought you to therapy/counselling - To give you the opportunity to ask anything you want to clarify, about the therapy process - To start taking a history (taking a full history is an essential process for safe and effective treatment, which is completed in the first few sessions, but is enriched throughout the course of treatment) - Determine the initial frequency of the sessions and the place or means of holding them. - To set or agree treatment goals, which often brings optimism, hope and relief! At the end of the first one (or within the next two days), both the therapist and I decide if we want to work together.
Therapy sessions take place in my office in Nea Smyrni during the first three weeks of each month and online during the last week of each month. In case the therapist is unable to come to the office and the session is necessary, then it takes place online (skype and messenger: Filippos Gkekis). I also offer my services online to residents of remote areas and to residents of foreign countries.
The individual therapy session, lasts 50 minutes (50 euros). The frequency varies depending on the client, his/her needs, therapeutic request and stage of treatment. Usually, one session per week is recommended, especially in the first few months. This frequency can be increased (2-3 sessions per week) in case of crisis management situations or decreased (2 sessions per month), depending on the stage of treatment the client is in. The duration of the individual session is 90 minutes if it is experiential, somatic psychotherapy (in-depth trauma and intergenerational therapy) and is always conducted face-to-face (the cost and frequency is agreed before the session). Couple and family sessions, last 90 minutes (70 euros) and their frequency is also agreed upon after the first session. Finally, in the case of group psychotherapy, the sessions are held every week and last 120 minutes (monthly cost 150 euros). The groups consist of 6-7 people and are open throughout the year to accept new members. In case the therapist is late in coming, the session is completed at the scheduled time and will not be extended. The fee brings about an equal relationship between therapist and healer with the latter feeling safe and free to express himself/herself as well as marks the value invested in his/her personal development. Now the receipts are issued electronically, so depending on your preference, I print them out or send them to your email.

I am morally, legally and ethically bound to fully and completely follow and apply the psychotherapeutic confidentiality and code of conduct. Any information I know about you (from therapeutic communication, from psychometric tests or any other material obtained during sessions) I keep in my office file and do not communicate it to anyone.

Confidentiality is broken in the following cases and always after I have informed you first:
- If there are serious indications that you will harm yourself and after I have explored all other possibilities.
- When there is an imminent risk that you will harm someone else.

I derive inspiration and meaning from being around people and helping them to heal, to connect with themselves, others and the world so that they live in a state of well-being and enjoy.


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