When you want something badly! then... (the antithesis of success)

Man in Blue and Brown Plaid Dress Shirt Touching His Hair

We often hear around us both on the internet and in friendly conversations that when we want something badly enough, it can be done. Very often I imagine (like you reading this article) you hear phrases like " If you really want it, you can do it", " there is no can't but won't", and straight from America "where there is a will there is a way!", " that human can do anything" and other such sweet talk, culminating in the idea that there is a universe that conspires in our favour.

I think it's great as humans to have goals and to evolve, both emotionally and professionally, socially and as a species, but it's extremely important that when we want to achieve a goal, it is invested in self-cognitively.

How can you want something and not know why you want it; have you asked yourself why you want to evolve? My question to you is not intended as a flippant answer. And for your answer not to be frivolous, you must dig deep within yourself and discover the reasons you want it and when you meet them, you will know what the authentic ones are, since this meeting will surprise you!

It is always when we discover something deeper true within us that we are surprised, we are surprised by our true self.

The road to these true, authentic and unique answers for each of us is a long one. For a start, let's focus on what the way society is structured offers us, so that we can remove some of the junk, and then perhaps we can gain a better connection to our deepest desire.

It's very fashionable to have what is called FOMO, which stands for fear of missing out. Indeed, I have come to believe and I am convinced every day by the people I meet, that all of us, deep inside us, are afraid of losing the connection first with ourselves and then with others. In essence, what we are afraid of is disconnection from others. Let us not forget the classic that human is a social being and outside of society he not only does not live happily, he dies. Connection is deeply embedded in our DNA, think about how for the first few years of our lives, if we don't connect with adults we will simply die. And now comes this glue with other people that we so need society to distort. From my perspective, this distortion through the media passes the message"work because if you don't work you won't be accepted", "work because if you don't work you won't have money and you still won't be accepted", "work and buy products and services even if you don't need them, because soon the supply runs out and along with the supply you will lose people's acceptance", "work hard and fast without rest, otherwise you will lose people's acceptance and you will hear that you are lazy".

I think you see where I'm going with this. The fear of loneliness, of not connecting, through the extremely harsh and inhuman conditions imposed by the social norm, is enormous and often without realizing it, it motivates you towards goals that you might not be happy even if you achieve them.

I suggest you think about what it would be like to fail! Yes, I'm telling you in all seriousness. So think about what it would be like to have something you want so badly to never happen, something you've been longing for, something you've been dreaming about for years, which is your whole life, to struggle for years and fail...

It may seem absurd to think about failure in order to succeed, but it is the most reasonable thing I can offer you in this time period we live in. When you desire something so much to do in your life, to change, to give, or have a hope that somehow you can change the world through your own existence, it means that you will need a lot of energy, time, knowledge, people and generally a lot of resources to achieve it. So consider as you go into action to realize your dream, that there is a fear weighing on your heart that many times you may not even feel it or realize it. So how can you spread your wings while at the same time your heart is held heavy on the floor by the fear of failure?

Unfortunately, I perceive a false connection, which in my opinion works like a poison, poisoning not only our dreams, but also our everyday life. I am referring to the connection that success is linked to action or else I have (success) with I do (action). I understand that the chances are more likely when I do something to bring about an outcome, the tendency is that the more I try and act the more likely the good scenario is to happen! but is this always the case; is this connection absolute; here I believe is the trap you have to consider. When you do something it always works? and if it fails miserably; and if so many years of your life that you invested in that dream are wasted; then what; can you exist as a failure without managing to reach the expectations you set for yourself?

I deeply believe that when we do what we do and are fixated on the outcome (as we have heard for many years from some life coaches), we miss the joys of our own Odyssey. If Odysseus had only Ithaca on his mind, he would not have been curious enough to explore to learn and grow. The phrase "success is a one-way street", I feel, weighs like a tombstone on the shoulders of many people today. Action does not guarantee results.

As we near the end of this article, I invite you to dream of what you want to be, what you want to feel. I invite you to wish, to make plans for the future, for your job, your finances, your family, your health, your children, but don’t expect everything to work out.

I am concerned that there is no clear distinction between realistic optimism and the unrealistic magical thinking that comes through in the phrases "It will all work out". Just as I am concerned that there is no clear distinction these days between the realistic view of things and catastrophism. It's a difficult balance between the two extremes and as I say many times, yes there is the possibility of getting into an accident and having a health scare, even right now when we go out. But what do we do with that fear? If we let it overwhelm us, we will not live our lives because life is outside. If we ignore it completely through risky actions, we will bring the accident into our lives...

If what you read reassured you, then my article failed (and I accept that!) But if you felt a little discomfort at the idea that no matter what you do, the possibility of failure is always there, then I was on to something... I hope that this discomfort will act as an antidote to the frustrations that come (they are sure to come!), to accompany you on your journey and make it more pleasant and juicier!

In the verse of this song, you may find the meaning of what you just read...listen to it, dance to it, after all, as humans we have the right to sing our pain!


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